I. A. Richard : verbal analysis of the poem

Hello friends !

Here in this blog I am going to verbal analysis of Film song lyrics. As a thinking activity we have select one poem, song, devotional song or any poetic expression for verbal analysis. According to the I. A. Richard's essay on Figurative Language.

His full name is Ivor Armstrong Richard ( 26 February 1893 - 7 September 1979) . He was the English educator, literary critic and rhetorician. Who has been highly influencial in developing a new way of reading poetry that lead to the new Criticism and that also influenced some forms of reader response.

In which we find that four kinds of meaning like that :

1. Sense : sense is what is said and which is referred by writer.

2. Feeling :  feeling is referred various kind of emotions. Words express these feelings.

3. Tone :  Tone is the writer's attitude to his audience and readers.

4. Intention : Intention is the writer's aim, which may be conscious or unconscious. It refers to the effect that he tries to produce.

  • This song was taken from the Hindi movie Aradhana . This song is written by Anand Bakshi.  Song was sung by Kishore Kumar and Lata Mangeshkar.
So let's see what kind of misunderstanding we face here. As Richard mentioned,

- Misunderstanding of the sense of poetry.
- Over literal reading.
- Defective scholarship, inappropriate metaphor.
- Difference in meaning of words in poetry and prose.

कोरा कागज़ थाये मन मेरा मेरा मेरा
लिख लिया नाम इस पे तेरातेरा तेरा
कोरा कागज़ था ये मन मेरा
लिख लिया नाम इसपे तेरा
सूना आंगन था जीवन मेरा
बस गया प्यार इसपे तेरा
टूट न जाये सपने मैं डरता हूँ
निस दिन सपनों में देखा करता हूँ
टूट ना जाये सपने मैं डरता हूँ
निस दिन सपनों में देखा करता हूँ
नैना कजरारे, मतवारे, ये इशारे
खाली दरपन था ये मन मेरा
रच गया रूप इस में तेरा
कोरा कागज़ था ये मन मेरा
लिख लिया नाम इसपे तेरा
चैन गंवाया मैने निंदिया गंवाई
सारी सारी रात जागूं दूँ मैं दुहाई
चैन गंवाया मैने निंदिया गंवाई
सारी सारी रात जागूं दूँ मैं दुहाई
कहूँ क्या मैं आगे, नेहा लागे, जी ना लागे
कोई दुश्मन था ये मन मेरा
बन गया मीत जा के तेरा
कोरा कागज़ था ये मन मेरा
लिख लिया नाम इसपे तेरा
बागों में फूलों के खिलने से पहले
तेरे मेरे नैनों के मिलने से पहले
हां बागों में फूलों के खिलने से पहले
तेरे मेरे नैनों के मिलने से पहले
कहाँ की ये बातें मुलाकातें ऐसी रातें
टूटा तारा था ये मन मेराबन गया चांद होके तेरा
कोरा कागज़ था ये मन मेरा
लिख लिया नाम इस पे तेरा

As Richard mentioned that two types of languages like Scientific language and the Emotive language. So in scientific language we find that the matter of Truth and facts.  And in Emotive language we find that the emotional things. 

In this song, if we look at  the lyrics then  we not find that any Truth and facts. That is the  Emotive language because  we not find that logical arrangement.

बागों में फूलों के खिलने से पहले
तेरे मेरे नैनों के मिलने से पहले
हां बागों में फूलों के खिलने से पहले
तेरे मेरे नैनों के मिलने से पहले
कहाँ की ये बातें
ऐसी राते

Here in these lines we not find that any strong logic. Just the situation of mind is portrayed here.
And also some of the line is problematic like that, first problem is that  मन 
means heat or mind.

 कोरा कागज़ थाये मन मेरा मेरा मेरा,

- टूटा तारा था ये मन मेराबन गया चांद होके तेरा,
- खाली दरपन था ये मन मेरा,
- सूना आंगन था जीवन मेरा.

This four line through we questioned that , how that is possible that my mind is blank page, broken star or mirror that is not possible. 

- How can we write upon our mind.
- first all the mind is not a star and then the moon.
- mind is not mirror.
And also the life is not " सुना आंगन ".  So in this song we see that lover  and beloved express love towards each other. Here we interpret that lover who is like कोरा  कागज़ but who meet beloved and then he knows that what is life in reality.

Thank you...


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