David Crystal's views on language and ELT

 Hello friends

              He has also written plays and poetry. He has published several books for the general reader about linguistics and the English language, which use varied graphics and short essays to communicate technical material in an accessible manner. 

    Video 6: David Crystal: The Effect of New Technologies on English :  

                  Here In this video we come to know about  David Crystal's ideas about English language or any language of the world. Nowadays we  don't keep a space to change the language. There are two reasons behind the expense of the English. First reason is the Internet.  Because of the internet the language is very quickly changing, new words spread very quickly. Second reason is the globalization of English language. There is not one kind of language, but in the world various types of English language exist.

     So what is the main point of David Crystal is that ready for change. 

            And also David Crystal mentioned that : Forget the old notion that there is just one kind of thing that you would want to call correct English.

He was also said that teaching any language of the world is the toughest task.

    Video 7: David Crystal: The Biggest Challange for English Language Teachers in the times of Internet:  

In this video  we come to know that technology has affected language a lot because of the Internet and Globalization. So what was the stand of David Crystal's  is that "Accepting changing". We have to accept the change of language. Our language is different then the language of our teachers. We have to accept any language of the world, each and every accent of the language. How technology affects the language. We have a new variety of the English language. Starting from the printing press, Newspapers, Telephone, blog, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter etc. Each and every technology comes up with new types and style of the language. 

           David Crystal also talks about prompts in various applications. Various prompt like what are you doing , what is in your mind.

      Video 8: David Crystal: Texting is 'Good' for English Language 

Texting is good for language. So the myth is that texting is done by children. And also this message with the abbreviation entirely. These messages  it's invented by the kids. They're modern things. So how can texting be good for language ?

           David Crystal presents his views in a very lite mode, but it is worth noting things. He was giving various arguments.

Resources :

"David Crystal Books & Articles". www.davidcrystal.com. Retrieved 22 May 2015.

 "David Crystal: Books in chronological order". Crystal Reference. 2005. Archived from the original on 14 May 2008.

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