Thinking activity on paradise lost

Hello readers !

      Welcome to my blog. This blog is about 'paradise lost', great English epic in blank verse. Paradise lost is written by great puritan writer John Milton.  The Paradise lost is divided in 12 books. This idea originally came from the Bible. There is a different story from the Bible. Which way Bible tells a story and which way Milton who tells a story of Eve and Adam.

      In the Bible we find that God as storyteller and also god's viewpoint, but in Paradise lost we find that one human being who tells a story about god and his man and women,Satan. So that we can say that in the Bible we find that divine perspective, in Paradise lost we find that Human perspective. This task is given by dr Dilip barad sir click here to understand more about this task.

   So here I would like to share my understanding on human perspective and divine perspective.

1. What is your understanding of human perspective and divine perspective ? Give illustration to support your understanding.

      In 'Paradise Lost' we come to know about what is human perspective and what is divine perspective. The story coming from the holy book Bible. In the Bible we find that divine perspective.

      But one literary writer never write in divine perspective but always written in  side of human beings. Each and every character through we know that perspective of divine and human.

* Satan :

          The character of Satan we know that characteristic of human nature  in Paradise Lost.  Milton's Satan is different from the Bible's Satan. Like human being he wants to freedom, rights to rule, and also become something more than others.

    His ambition to become more stronger than god ,his jealousy, revengeful nature makes him human  being. In his ambition he was not wrong. To become powerful is nothing bad. How god make injustice with Satan and also divine power not give them freedom.

* Eve :

       In ' Genesis' we find that fall of Eve and Adam. God give a punishment to Eve and her children for Eve's disobedience. So there is problematic punishment because  why to punish Eve's innocent children. In Bible Eve , Adam and Satan who had not voice to express his/her view and argument. But here in John Milton's work they freely talk and give their arguments with god.  That is the human perspective.

   "I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you." (God)

        This way god give punishment to Eve.

* Adam :

     Adam who had followed the instructions of Eve that's why who also punished but this is like that:

And to Adam he said, "Because you
have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the
tree of which I commanded you, 'You shall not eat of it,'
cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it
all the days of your life;thorns and thistles it shall bring forth
to you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. In the sweat
of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground,
for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you
shall return." (God)

    God had nor judged fairly because  he not equal punishment. But in Paradise lost we find that Adam who loved her and because for his love towards Eve he also eat apple. And became part of punishment.

     That is the human perspective.

2. How do you read the character of eve as transgresser and yet defendable?

    If we look as feminist perspective then that is good one.she is not doing anything wrong because the apple is gives knowledge. And if she wants to no more then that is not bad.

    Milton had present this in way women should not do this type of transgresser work. But here we take this thing as revolutionary things for women.  She wants to know about good and evil like god that's why she eats an apple and yet she also offering Adam also.

   In way Eve is revolutionary character in the history of women. Eve don't follow the rules of god that's why she punished by god ,fear of god's punishment she offered the apple to adam as defensible because if did punished then Adam with her.

Thank you...





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