Thinking activity : Five types of Cultural studies

Hello readers !

This is my academic blog. This blog is about Cultural studies (what is cultural studies). This task is given by Dr. Dilip barad sir. Some of the questions are given below. So exactly the task is we have to give answers to the questions.

  • Your understanding of British Cultural Materialism, in your words ?

 In Cultural materialism we find that 'Marxist idea' and 'hegemony'.  As Matthew Arnold mentioned materiality is not culture but that beyond something is happening very significant.  So the materiality in the past and how that is changed in future and presence. How power is changed with cultural Materialism. In Which parameters culture is changing, materialism is one of them. In British materialism we find that the class distribution through the materialists things. In modern Britain two trajectories for   Cultural materialists deal with specific historical documents and attempt to analyze and recreate the zeitgeist of a particular moment in history.

  • What is the contribution of Michel Foucault in new historicism ?

The New Historicism was influenced by Foucault‘s theories of Power/Knowledge and Discourse. So from Foucault's point of view New historicism 
developed the idea of a broad " totality" function of culture observable in literary texts, which Foucault called the episteme.  From Foucault's point of view history  is the important thing that was not the working out of "universal ideas ".  If we don't know the history then we can't understand the governing ideas of the past and present. That though we got the knowledge of how the power changed with time and also in which factor that is too much changed. History is a form of social oppression told in the series of explodes with previous ages. 

How people narrate the history is more important. So the "fault" lines that must be integrated into succeeding culture by the epistemes of power and knowledge. Foucault also mentioned  Methods of expression can also be methods of oppression.  The modern age is governed by a complex master narrative. It may still be seen only as a narrative to succeed those of earlier generations. So there is a new episteme that will render obsolete our ways if organizing knowledge and telling history. One of Foucault's main ideas is that knowledge is always constructed in specific historical contexts

  • How can new historicists help in answering the questions raised against the Laputa episode in Gulliver's Travels ?

So the question is that  What did Jonathan Swift mean when he gave that name to the flying island in the third voyage of Gulliver's Travels ?  The science fiction aspect of that island still amuses us but why "the whore" ?

So here Susan Bruce offers a reading of book 3 that makes some new historicist sense out if Swift's use of  Laputa.  Here we get the sense how to analyze the thing from the new historicism point of view. Bruce tries together the current issue and event happening at that particular time. The situation and the behavior of the women that particular time and what is portrayed by Swift.  In which the female body leads not to enhanced appreciation but rather to horror and disgust. Laputa is a gigantic trope of the female body. As Bruce remarks," It's this which engenders the name of the island: in a paradigmatic instance of misogyny, the achievement of mle control over the female body itself renders that body the whore: Laputa".

  • Exemplify  four types of analysis of popular culture. Apply it on Cultural artefacts ?

 These analyses seek to get beneath the surface meanings and examine more implicit social meaning. In Popular culture we find that four types of analysis that are given below :

Production analysis : 

 So in this study the following kinds of questions asked, who owns the media ? Who creates text and why? Under what constraints ? How democratic or elitist us the production of popular culture? What about works written only for money?

Textual analysis:

 Textual analysis  examines how specific works of popular culture create meanings.

Audience analysis:

Audience analysis asks how different groups of popular culture consumers, or users, make similar or different sense of the same texts.

Historical analysis :

Historical analysis investigates how these other three dimensions change over time.

  • Difference between Modernism and postmodernism. If possible give examples also .

First in the late 19th century and early 20th centuries in Europe and North America the term modernism started. The Modernist writers in general rebelled against clear-cut storytelling and formulaic verse from the 19th century. Instead, many of them told fragmented stories which reflected the fragmented state of society during and after World War I.

Definition of postmodernism :

" A general and wide-ranging term which is applied to literature, art, philosophy, architecture, fiction, and cultural and literary criticism, among others. Postmodernism is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality."

Postmodernism is the reaction to Modernism that was influenced by World War 2.

What is the difference between Modernism and postmodernism :

If we differentiate both terms then we find that both have very vast differences. 

The Modernist who thinks about the search for an abstract truth of life . While the postmodernist thinkers believe that there is no universal truth abstract or other.

If we think about art then the modern art is simply focused on the piece and the postmodern art is focused on the way the piece is made or told. 

Ex. The Modernist will draw attention to the painting but postmodern will also draw attention to the frame.

The modernist who focused on writers and the postmodernist who focus on the readers.

Modernism is an effort to reconcile the principles underlying architectural design with rapid technological design with rapid technological advancement and the modernization of society. And the postmodernism refers to the functional and formalized shapes and spaces of the modernist style are replaced by diverse aesthetics.

Thank you…..

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