Thinking activity : Technoculture, Speed and Slow movement

Hello readers !

Welcome to my world ! We live in the 21st century in which we find that too much acceleration and speed. Each and every moment the speed is important in this age. This is my academic blog. In which I am discussing Baudrillard and his view on  Hyperreal, Simulation and simulacra) and Paul's Virilio ( Dromology)  Ulrich Beck ( Risk society ) then about Slow movement, how that is connected with the idea. Now the Culture also changed  with speed. But in Culture we need the slow movement. How the slow philosophy is helping us in are Culture.

" Learning the basics of being a digital citizen is a critical skill for all children in the 21st century. " 

– Hadi Partovi, CEO at

  I think that is related to the slow movement in which everything is going on fast. So humans think that we have to know all the things that are new and which new features are produced in technology. That curiosity is needed but in a way that is harmful for us.

Jean Baudrillard  was a French socialist and who coined the term ' Hyperrealism' .  He defined 

"A real without origin or reality"

                     Paul Virilio - (Dromology)  , he is one of the most important theorists of speed and technology. He had discussed the significance of speed and technology in the postmodern era. He also mentioned that the speed of transmission  shared not only the individual perspective but also the social, cultural aspects. That speed through we can say that the real became more fake.
                Ulrich Beak - ( Risk society )

who has written extensively about risk and globalization. He argues that the risk is not only about technology , and all the things , is n which we can include all the traditions that were abolished, the traditional custom changed, erosion of traditional family patterns and democratization of personal relations.

                 In a modern society, there is technological change. Industrial society has created many new dangers of risks unknown in previous ages. The risks associated with global warming are one example. In the present era of industrialization. In nature obviously the risk is there. But we can say that new modernity creates dangerous risks for society. There is a chain of problems and solutions.  How hurriedly the atomic power and weapons industry increases, in a way that is the risk. So for that risk another country tried to make more powerful weapons. In that way the chain of problems and solutions going on. We are in a trap if social evils.

Organizations are not only part of the solution but also very much part of the problem: “We have more to fear from organizations and experts overextending their reach, propelled by forces endemic
to modern society, than from conniving conspiracies,” argues Clarke
(1999, p. 2).

If we think about how Culture and the postmodernist are looking at Slow movement. Slow movement is about knowing the speed of the world and to desides what speed one should maintain.

“Is it possible in today’s superfast world to live slow? Would I be able to keep my job? Provide a good living for my family? Does being ‘slow’ mean low efficiency, low effectiveness?”

– G. Berthelsen

That is the question of how we can define what is low efficiency. The Slow Movement’s roots are traced back to the original slow movement, Slow Food.

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